Highball vs. Cocktail: What Are the Differences?

Were you aware that the global alcoholic beverage industry is worth more than $1.4 trillion?

Alcohol can help make social events more exciting, allow you to unwind after a long day, and introduce you to a new hobby since there are so many products and recipes to try. Lots of us are familiar with cocktails, but lots of bars and restaurants also have a menu for highballs.

There's a lot to discover when it comes to highball vs. cocktail. Keep reading our cocktail and highball guide so you can know all of the important facts.

What Is a Cocktail?

A cocktail is a beverage that contains some type of alcohol and other ingredients to create a rich flavor profile. You can use any type of alcohol that you like to prepare a cocktail, such as wine, rum, champagne, beer, whiskey, and more.

When it comes to flavor combinations, the possibilities are endless. You can use soda, juice, syrups, fruits, and even ice cream. Some people like to take a savory approach and garnish their cocktails with bacon, shrimp, and other succulent goodies.

How to Make a Cocktail

There aren't many rules for creating a cocktail, so you're allowed to get as creative as you want. You'll need to choose your favorite type of alcohol, a mixer, and garnishes. Lots of stores sell pre-packaged mixers to make your job easy, but you can also assemble your own ingredients to complement your alcohol.

Your cocktails can be light and refreshing or creamy and decadent. There's always a perfect cocktail for every occasion in life.

What Is a Highball?

The reason why people get cocktails and highballs confused is that one falls under the umbrella of the other. Cocktails are a blend of any type of alcoholic beverages with other ingredients, whereas a highball only applies to a single spirit mixed with one other ingredient. As a result, highballs tend to have a higher alcohol percentage, which means you need to be more mindful when you consume them.

If you aren't familiar with spirits, then these are the most common spirits you'll find in highballs: rum, tequila, vodka, whiskey, brandy, gin, and mezcal.

How to Make a Highball

Since a highball is a type of cocktail, you can use almost the same approach to create one. Instead of being able to choose multiple alcoholic beverages, you'll have to stick with one instead with only one mixer ingredient.

There are plenty of phenomenal highball recipes you can browse to get inspired.

Highball vs. Cocktail: Now You Know the Differences

You're not alone if you've ever been confused by the highball vs. cocktail debate. Now that you've read this guide, you'll have an easier time ordering your favorite drinks.

If you want to treat yourself and all of your loved ones to the tastiest cocktails and highballs ever, then you'll need a high-quality rum on hand at all times.

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